Monday, 9 May 2016

Where Have I Been?!!

How is everyone? Good good. 
Golly gosh I haven't posted on my blog in such a long time and I've truly missed it but don't you worry I'll be uploading normally again soon!
A lot has happened to me recently I've finished a show that I've been rehearsing for (I'll make a separate post about that for you guys if you'd like) 
I've been extremely ill to the point I was debating if I could even do the my show or not. I've had a few family problems as they've been ill also therefore it's a bit of an added stress to me.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that a lot has happened to me in these past couple of weeks and I've kind of needed a break from everything but now I'm going to continue blogging about all my favourite things :) 


Twitter- @imi_imp
Instagram- @imibeee_ 

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