Saturday, 14 May 2016

Rehearsal Essentials

How is everyone? Fabulous.
So I've just come back from rehearsals believe it or not and I thought to myself let me share with each and every one of you what I bring along with me!

So let's begin...❤️

A rubber and a pencil sharpener will honestly become your best friend when your in a show, you won't be separated at all. (I love them both dearly and they've helped me get over some tough times too goshh I'm getting emotional) 

Your phone charger is always a must especially if you have an extremely long day ahead of you.

It's good to get into the habit of taking deodorant with you if not for yourself then for others as there's always one person in rehearsals who forgets to bring some (Yes. You know who you are if you're reading this!!) 

Chewing gum is actually life when in rehearsals for a long time but I personally don't have it a lot because in the actual rehearsal space we aren't allowed it. 

Scrunchie or a bobble will be another best friend to you because there's nothing better than tying your hair up during a long day.

Pen, pencil, permanent marker and highlighter are 100% a must no matter what type of rehearsing your doing. 

You'll definitely need your script with you! I've got mine in a little folder to keep it all together (The writing is the past shows I've been in with National Theatre Connections festival) 

Obviously if it's a really long rehearsal I'd definitely advise you to bring lots of food and drinks, I tend to bring pasta and chocolate to keep me going over the hours! I had a 6 hour rehearsal today but it was amazing!!  

Every time I say I'm going to rehearsals you now know what I take with me :) 


Twitter- @imi_imp
Instagram- @imibeee_ 

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