Monday, 16 November 2015

What's On My iPhone


How are you doing on this fine night? First things first I am very very sorry that I haven't uploaded in a couple days...It feels like ages but it actually isn't. So I haven't done this in a very very long time or I haven't done it all, don't know which but either way I'm going to be showing you what I've got on my phone.

Let's do it...❤️ 

I've got the iPhone 4s in black, I just went onto google images as I couldn't really take a picture of my phone when I take pictures with my phone..If that makes sense 
My phone case is just a black plain one from Primark, It is broken because my phone fell out of my pocket but luckily my phone didn't even have a scratch on it :)
This is my lockscreen, a very autumnal leaf picture. Which may I just point I took myself a while back when I did LightNight 
Once you've unlocked my phone this is the first you shall see, just the basic boring apps that hardly anyone uses.
Also this is my background/screensaver, I hate change..Therefore I haven't changed this since I first got the phone a year ago (Wow..) 
This is the second half of my phone. I've only just recently got those four random apps and I had no idea which little square they should go in, so for now they will just stay there and look pretty! Just a really quick review on those apps!! FatBooth is really weird and kinda cool, a bit useless. Ghost..Something I actually really like but I need to have a mess around with it so I get the hang of it. ZombieFace is really good apart from that there's only one face to choose from unless your going to buy others but I didn't really want to. The I'm A Celeb app is pretty good, I can't fault I just don't really know how to use it. 
This is my useless crap square which it really is useless because I didn't even know I had this on my phone..Does anyone even use these apps?? (Cute emoji though) 
Social media! Which I spend half my amount of time on this little file right here.
My Facebook, FaceTime and Facebook Messenger oh and Snapchat are all personal. I'll leave links to all my social media at the bottom ;) I also don't do YouNows I just tend to watch youtubers when they do a broadcast. 
You've got here Google+ which I'm sure most of you know what it is. Capture is a quicker and faster way of uploading a video to your channel, the lovely Niamh recommended this app for me :)
This isn't really Editing Apps anymore it use to be but if you have any editing apps for videos or photos, let me know. 
I only tend to use Pic Collage when I'm doing something for my blog and I only use Flipgram usually when it's someone's birthday.
Onto music, I've only got Spotify and FreeMusic+ both are really good apps but I just tend to use FreeMusic+ more as I don't need wifi when listening to it.
Games! Games! Games! Which I do not play! (I sang that as a tune in my head like "rain rain rain go away come back another day" you know that nursesy rhyme?) My little niece plays on these games, I generally don't have the time to play on games anymore 
These are the apps that I need in my life but have rarely used..All4, Google, ITV Player and CountDown+ are the only apps I use from this file I think :) 
Excuse the weird/random emoji..These are all the blogs I read and of course the blogger app. Also Megs I love the new layout for your blog :))) 
One lonely app ey? Well if you have a blog you want me to read let me know. This The Blogger Hub, I'm sure you've seen me tweet about them once or twice. I'm writing posts for them every month and then they go up on their blogs, I did one last month so you can go and check that one out.
The fitness apps that I never ever use!! Actually I only use the SleepySounds app, which I really really really REALLY recommend if you can never fall asleep or find it hard to.

So. So. So. So. So. I hope you enjoyed looking through my phone and being nosey 


Twitter: @imi_imp
Instagram: @imibeee_
Pinterest: @Mott_imogen