Sunday, 6 December 2015

My Favourite Things About Christmas


How are you guys doing today?
ITS NEARLY CHRISTMAS!!! Which is very very exciting if you ask me. Because Christmas is my favourite time of the year, I thought it would be sooooo nice for me to tell you what my favourite things are about Christmas!

So let's go for it...❤️


I adore the German market at Christmas time, it's so Christmassy and it really get you in the mood for Christmas and it's full of festive cheer! 

The Leeds IceRink makes its appearance a little after Christmas I think but I still feel so festive while ice skating either if it's after Christmas. In fact there's an IceRink I'm Bradford which I'm going to have to go to!

The only thing I dislike about this time is how busy all the shops are with the either chilled back or angry Christmas shoppers! I sometimes actually need to go the shop to get something important that isn't Christmas related (Surprise surprise) And I just feel like I really cannot be bothered with all the bloody craze of shoppers!!

Visiting Santa's grotto is always such a festive little treat for anyone. I've got two nieces and will be bringing them along to meet Santa but I'm so excited to meet him because I know I'm 14 years old but your never too old to stop believing in the spirit of Christmas ;) 


As its Christmas I don't think a sip of BucksFizz is too big of a deal, I'm with my family plus we have this when we're eating our Christmas dinner. 

A cheeky Baileys on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day isn't too bad I guess. Just to put it out there I'm not an alcoholic and I don't drink often it's more at Christmas with my family. 

Shloer is the best non-alcoholic drink ever made! My favourite is the WhiteGrape flavour. It tastes amazing, I 100% recommend this drink for Christmas or anything like that :))) 


Who else loves Christmas dinner? You honestly just can't go wrong with some lovely crispy potatoes and what not! 

Oooh stuffing, I don't think you can ever go wrong with a bit of stuffing. I will actually sit there and eat a whole bowl full of stuffing (I'm weird like that) And I'm the only one who eats stuffing in my family, which I don't understand?!!

And how could I forget?!! The amazing Christmassy cakes and cookies, I love them! Is it just me and my family who get lots of treats in over Christmas? 


You can never ever go wrong with a Christmas party. Me and my family usually have one every year on Christmas Eve or Christmas Eve Eve (24th or 23rd of Dec) We're planning on having one this year so maybe I'll blog about it ;) But I love all the Christmassy vibes when people have Christmas dresses on and Christmas jumpers on! 

Christmas Decorations

I prefer having fake Christmas trees, I just can't bare to think that spiders have either walked on that tree or are still on that tree *Cringes* We've had our Christmas tree since I was about 2 I think :)))

This year I personally think I've done a pretty good job on my window decorations. I just love it when your walking your dog or something and you see a window all Christmassy I just think it's a really nice Christmassy feeling at the time of Christmas (I say the word Christmas a lot) 


I love every single Christmas movie!
If it's just come out this year or if it's a classic or even a really good black and white Christmas movie. I may even do a separate blog post just about Christmas movies.


When putting up Christmas decorations we always listen to Christmas music classics. Again I may even put up a separate blog post about Christmas music. I'm not too sure why Elvis has made an appearance but hey ho! 


I love spending time with my family at Christmas (cheesy) but like when your wrapping up presents or watching a proper good Christmas movie. By the way this photo made me laugh much more then it should of, I mean come on look at everyone's faces!

Yes yes, yes I did zoom in and now forever have these saved on my phone..


I know I know that Christmas isn't all about presents but I do love it when I walk downstairs into the living room and to see all the presents its an amazing feeling to think all those are for me you know? *Present emoji* *Christmas tree emoji*

Another thing that I love it giving gifts to family and friends, I love seeing their faces when they open the presents because I usually go really into their personality and think deep about what they like etc.

After I've shared all my favourite bits about Christmas, what's yours? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter. @imi_imp 


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