How are you guys doing? I'm doing sort of okay today, I had the dentist this morning and I have a massive fear of them so of course I started crying BUT that's totally another story.
I'm just going to get straight to the point...Don't point out someone else's insecurities! Please don't point out acne, it's not a 'funny' thing to do at all. Don't even point out if someone has a spot on the forehead, just don't.
Don't point out someone's cuts..I'm not talking about the odd paper cut I'm talking about self harm, which is a really big topic to talk about. If someone feels confident enough to not hide away their past them good on them, don't you even think about talking about it, unless theyre comfortable talking about it with you. If I see someone with a cut I won't ask them if they self harm or if it's a paper cut. No matter what they have on their body please don't judge them for it, I know it's just words but I mean every word I say to you and everybody else.
Scars, if that's a scar from their past, self harm or an injury I believe that you still shouldn't talk about it as it may upset them and hurt them mentally and psychically. I've got scars and I try and not show them to anyone but if someone asks me about them I'll tell them if I feel comfortable with telling them.
Body hair is another topic, this goes out to everyone if you see someone with hair in places that you wouldn't normal see hair, for example don't point out if girls have upper lip hair. If girls or boys have this just maybe don't say it unless you know their okay with you talking about it, does that make sense? I've got a couple of close friends that I know that I can talk to them with anything and everything but with other people id be selective on what I tell them...maybe I've just gone off topic here?
Okay so if someone has curves please don't call them fat rolls, I mean seriously that's just a confidence booster right there! If you want to give someone a compliment about their figure make sure you don't say fat rolls!! I know a good few people who have curves and they're beautiful inside and out. And another thing is you can see someone who has 'fat rolls' don't point it out, that's just pure stupid.
Out of all of these topics I've told you this is the one I can most relate to. I'm actually begging you not to point out how much or how little someone eats...For the some who know me know that I don't eat a lot, I try and make myself eat so I don't get ill and have to be put back on tablets but you will have no idea how hard it is for me to sit round a dinner table and be the last to eat. If you know someone who is like me, don't force them or tell them to eat what's in front of them because I know that when people do that to me I honestly want to punch them in the face. If you know someone who may eat a bit more then I do, don't force them to stop eating. I honestly think that if your happy and you know that your going to be on track with your eating for the both of the people, who may lack in eating or may eat more then. Everyone has days where they have a pig out and others have days where they didn't even eat. Everyone has those days, I do, you do. EVERYONE!
This has to be yet another subject I can relate to. If someone is that skinny that you can see their bones, don't you even think about saying to them "Oh look I can see yours ribs!" Just no! Just stop it! I'm a lot better with my eating nowadays but about a year ago I was really ill with it. Yes you could see some of my bones and I did cry a few times when people told me they could too. The worst thing that someone has ever told me was when this girl from my drama said to me "Oh my god! Your so skinny, look at you. Eat some chocolate and get fat" so...She doesn't know that i sometimes struggle with eating but I don't think you should EVER saying something like this to anyone and this goes to people who have curves, if someone says to you "Oh my god! I can't see any of your bones, go on a diet" just no.
I know this comes under a few of the other topics I've talked about BUT this is just something I don't think you should ever do which is tell someone they're fat or skinny. I'm pretty sure you'd dislike it if someone came up to you and said that so what makes it any different if you say it someone? Even if it's a joke or your being serious.
I dislike my smile a lot but if I'm taking a picture I still smile because im happy In the picture, most people are like that i think. If you notice someone who is talking or smiling and they have crooked or discoloured teeth, don't say anything to them. I've had my own family members tell me that my teeth look yellow, I'm just like well thank you for telling me BUT I can't help it. I brush my teeth twice a day everyday and sometimes they will be fine and other times they won't be.
If someome swears a lot, what's your first thing you'd do? Stay quiet about it or tell them? About 2-3 years ago I actually said to my friend "I've got some spray in my bag, do you want some?" I was gonna use it anyway but she got very defensive about what I said and replied back with "Gee thanks, I'm really uncomfortable now" now I didn't really know that I wasn't meant to say anything, I was trying to be helpful. Right now I've got some amazing humans that I'm working with at drama and they're more like family, we ask each other for sprays all the time or tell one another they need some spray or just help our selves into their bags to get spray out but we're like family so we're comfortable with doing this.
Okay...So this isn't my normal type of blog post, I was kinda uncomfortable about some of my insecurities as I was at drama the other day and this boy said to me "oh nice nose" I don't know if he meant it in a jokey way but that's one of my insecurities but he doesn't know this. And in fact the same boy said to my best friend "Oh nice eyebrows" she does draw her eyebrows on but in my opinion if that makes you have more confidence, do it. It's your choice, their YOUR eyebrows!
Little rant is over...Night guys
Sorry if some spelling are wrong as it's very late and I couldn't be bothered to read back to check it all, really sorry!
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