Thursday, 19 February 2015

What's in my bag


First things first, my good friend Niamh has started up a blog like mine a couple months back and I'd like it if you could check it out. I will leave links at the very bottom😊
I'm doing the what's in my bag post today if you can't already tell by the title, so let's get started! 

This is my black backpack I got from Primark & it never leaves my side
In the front pocket, I've got this AMAZING perfume so...? Kiss me which my friend got me for my birthday. 
My script. I'm in a play called Hood, I will be doing a post about it soon so keep a look out. 
Penguin gloves!! 
An empty box of celebrations why the hell not! You never know when this could come in handy 
My keys for house. Peppa pig keyring is what I won at an acade on holiday, my auntie got the panda with my name on. And I just loved this little bear with the pink bow on.
This little cute purse I just keep Bobby pins in & chewing gum. Don't really need it but I hate having to empty my whole bag just to find these little objects.
This is my actual purse and I'm  100% in love with it 
Wipes! Because you never know when you'll need them 
My bus pass is always handy if you want to nip on the bus 
Tissues once again you never actually know when you'll need them 
My Vaseline is always in my coat pocket or something because as its getting colder my lips go read dry & then the raspberry lip which just makes your lips really shine 
Hair brush...
The Zoella Beauty bag which I use for all my makeup 
Pointlessbook it's just amazing. And the cake in a mug was just as great 
Part of my iPhone charger 
The Bleach London out of the blue hair crayon.

So that's everything in my bag & I hope to do more blog posts like this in the near future...BYEEEEE!!! 

Niamh's Twitter: @niamhlovesbands 

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