How are all my lovely friends doing? It's been way too long but I'm glad I can share things with you though. I'm just going to get straight into this one!
So let's get started..❤️
This is my Pinterest account. Give me a follow if you haven't already (Cheeky) And you can see what awesome bits and bobs that I pin. I have a few pins..500 so I'm going to share with you some of favourites!!
This is just adorable! I knew that Zoe was small and Alfie was tall but when they're stood next to each other it just makes it sooooo cute because small and tall just fit together perfectly!
Zoe Sugg and Joe Sugg. Sibling goals, I love them so much and they're channels are growin more and more each day! I'm so proud of them both even though I don't know them personally.
This hairstyle is so cute and perfect for everything you do. Wether it's a date or your going running, it's actually perfect and my best friend can do this so I'll be going to him for this.
I've seen this quote around the Internet and if you follow me on Twitter (@imi_imp) you'll of seen me tweet about this. But this quote always makes me think of one of my best friend who is more like a brother to me.
I really love vintage things and this is just so beautiful in so many ways, I want to go to an American diner because I love that type of vintage diner vibes you get.
Lemons are my all time favourite fruit to eat, no joke. So this makeup to me gorgeous and I want makeup like this for an everyday look. (Loool)
I really really REALLY want this octopus tattoo!! I love how they move so gracefully through the water and yes I know they may be dangerous creatures but they're still beautiful as ever!
I want a tattoo and I don't have any yet as I'm only 14 but I've put a hell of a lot thought into what and where I want my tattoos. Small tattoos or master pieces are meanful to the people who get them but may not be to others but it's your body so you can do whatever the fuck you want to do with it.
I want this as my wedding dress! It's different and unique that's what I like about it, I don't things the normal way and I want do my wedding the same like others have done in the past either.
Ella Grace Denton. You've seen her in the past on my blog and I'm sure I will continue to talk about her in the future. She inspires me to get out and go on adventures and eat healthier so I will try to do so and bring you along the way too.
Now onto lips. What's your favourite colour lipstick out of all these? Mines Pandora and Semi Sweet and Ever After.
You may or my not know that I have my ears pierced, I had them down about two months ago. And I also love traveling a and seeing the world, going on adventures so these earrings were pretty much just made for me.
Dr.Martens? Doc. Martens? Dr.Martins? Doc.Martins? Oh well..I really want a pair and these ones to be exact! They're sooooo pretty and I need them.
When I move out wether its with friends or by myself I NEED my room like this, it's super cosy and of course wouldn't mind the MacBook too!
Dance is fairly important to me, I've done street dance and ballet and enjoyed them both so much and wish I didn't stop the but hopefully I can rejoin somewhere.
I always have my nails this colour and I don't really like to have them any other colour but you can't go wrong with black, it goes with everything.
I want to start eating more foods like this, it tastes amazing and is super healthy so you can't really go wrong can you?
That's all I really have time for you but I'll be back soon enough with another post.